
Adopt a Document: Sponsor Drupal CMS Documentation

[embedded content] This week, at DrupalCon Barcelona 2024, Drupal project founder Dries Buytaert announced a new sponsorship program for Drupal CMS documentation. Drupal CMS is the official name for Drupal Starshot, a new no-code CMS product for non-technical users being built on top of Drupal core. At Drupalize.Me, we’ve been talking with Dries and folks…


We Updated the Drupal User Guide for Drupal 11

Drupal 11 was released recently. Yay 🎉. And with it comes a bunch of minor (and sometimes major) changes to the way Drupal works and the need to update the documentation to reflect those changes. Since we first helped coordinate its creation, we’ve been committed to helping keep the Drupal User Guide content on Drupal.org…


Explore Our New Courses, Guides, and Tutorial Navigation

We’ve completed a major overhaul in how our tutorials are organized on Drupalize.Me. Take a look at the new Guides page and find something to new to learn about Drupal. Drupalize.Me has an interesting content problem. We have nearly 1,000 tutorials for folks who want to learn new skills in Drupal. Our tutorials cover a…


Pardon Our Dust: New Tutorial Organization and Navigation Roll-Out

TL;DR: Heads up! We’re rolling out a new organization structure of our tutorials, courses, and guides, so that we can implement our new guide navigation. You may find the course navigation change at any time within the next couple of weeks. Use the “Was This Helpful?” form at the bottom of any tutorial to reach…


DrupalCon Portland 2024: Issue Queue Initiatives

This Wednesday, May 8, I’m speaking at DrupalCon Portland 2024 as part of the Drupal Project Initiatives Keynote. The keynote is kicking off Contribution Day on Wednesday first thing in the morning. I’ll be highlighting initiatives and programs that are helping people contribute in a strategic way, and as a result, increasing throughput in the…

.org vs .com: What’s the Difference & How to Choose Which Domain Extension Is For You

.org vs .com: What’s the Difference & How to Choose Which Domain Extension Is For You

.com and .org are both well-known examples of domain extensions. But what is .com exactly, and what is .org? And does it matter which one you use? (Spoiler alert: yes.) When you set up a website for a business or a non-profit organisation, you might think the most important part of the address is the…

What Are Referring Domains? A Guide to Referring Domains vs Backlinks + SEO Impact 

What Are Referring Domains? A Guide to Referring Domains vs Backlinks + SEO Impact 

New to the world of referring domains? Let’s take a look at what they are and how you can use them.  Know as much about referring domains as you do about the amount of water on Mars? Well, for any business with an online presence, getting traffic to your website, upping engagement, and building brand…

What is Domain Privacy Protection & Do I Need It? A Guide to Protecting Information

What is Domain Privacy Protection & Do I Need It? A Guide to Protecting Information

In this article, we explore what domain privacy protection is and why it matters.  You’re busy securing your domain. It’s the name you’ve always wanted, so you’re super excited. Then, you notice the option to add domain privacy protection. Wait…  say what, now? Domain privacy protection?  Well, domain privacy protection is just what it says…

Should You Use a Hyphen in a Domain Name? Advantages and Disadvantages of URL Dashes

Should You Use a Hyphen in a Domain Name? Advantages and Disadvantages of URL Dashes

Can a hyphen in a domain name affect SEO? No. But should you use dashes in URLs? Depends. Find out all you need to know.  So, you’ve picked the perfect business name only to find the matching domain isn’t available. Cue the never-ending ‘hyphen in domain name’ debate. Whether or not you should put a…

How to Redirect a Domain to Another Domain: Domain Name Forwarding Explained

How to Redirect a Domain to Another Domain: Domain Name Forwarding Explained

Read this article to learn all about how to redirect one domain to another.  If you want to find out how to redirect a domain to another domain, congrats! You’ve been pointed to the right place. Your website is a massive deal for your brand. It’s your big sign, shopfront, shelves, counter and everything else,…